Can You Start As Self-Employed And Continue Collecting Unemployment?

It is possible to reconcile the registration in the RETA (Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers) for all those recipients of the contributory unemployment benefit who, having totally and definitively ceased their work activity, cause registration as a worker in the RETA, that is, they can reconcile the monthly perception of the benefit that corresponds to self-employment.

There is a time limit for this simultaneity, that is, it will be carried out for a maximum of 270 days or for the shorter time pending receipt of unemployment, and provided that said compatibility is requested within 15 days from the date start of activity as a self-employed worker. A term that cannot be extended, that is, after which it is no longer possible to claim unemployment while registering with the RETA.

Another option to access this compatibility is if the self-employed worker joins as a member of a newly created labor company or as a worker member of a newly created associated work cooperative and is framed in the corresponding RETA due to their self-employment activity. . In the latter case, you will receive 100% of the amount of the unemployment benefit with the IRPF discount, if applicable, and without deduction of Social Security contributions.

Like any rule, this rule is not exempt from exceptions, therefore, and despite the generality of the aforementioned compatibility rule, there are a series of compatibility exceptions:

It is not possible to simultaneously stop and RETA for: 

  • Those who start an activity on their own
  • Those who join a cooperative of associated work or labor society already constituted.
  • Similarly, those whose last job was self-employed will not be able to benefit from compatibility.
  • Those who have made use of this right in the 24 months immediately prior to the start date of the self-employment activity
  • Those who are constituted as self-employed workers and sign a contract to carry out their professional activity with the employer for whom they have provided their services as an employee.

Do not hesitate to ask Manchester Tax Certified Public Accountant about any question that may arise in relation to your specific situation.

We will assist you with the professionalism and attention that you need, clarifying any doubts that may arise in relation to the topic raised in this article as well as any other related to your economic activity as a self -employed person.